English Pronunciation Rule 3

Posted by 察说花园 on March 5, 2019

连读 3 ## 爆破音+辅音:以爆破音结尾的单词+以辅音音标开头的单词,就要失爆 basketball football blackboard notebook laptop lately badly proud

loudl friendl midnight goodbye

## 爆破音+辅音:以爆破音结尾的单词+以辅音音标开头的单词,就要失爆

  1. Sit down!
  2. i don’t know!
  3. a big cake!
  4. Sweet drean!美梦
  5. Take care!保重
  6. a good girl一个好的女孩
  7. a big tree-棵大树
  8. account number账号

  9. get mad生气
  10. I just made it.我做到了!
  11. Dad told me
  12. I’ d like to say good bye to everyone.我需要对每个人说再见了。
  13. Write the answer in your notebook.在笔记本中写下答案。
  14. He has always been a good boss..他一直是个好老板
  15. contact lens es隐形眼镜
  16. Can you respect my privacy?你能尊重我的隐私吗?

## 当d与n相邻时,t/d可以选择失爆(非必须)

  1. button[” bAtn n.按钮;纽扣
  2. garden[ga:rdn]n.花园
  3. mountain [‘mauntnI
  4. certain [‘s3:tn]adj.确定的
  5. burden [b:dnn.负担
  6. hidden[‘hidn被隐藏
  7. written [rIte]被写

  8. forgotten fa(r)’got(a)n
  9. carton“ka:(r)t)n]n.纸箱
  10. curtain k3:t(3n]n窗帘
  11. Britain n.英国
  12. fountain n喷泉
  13. important adj.重要的
  14. beaten被打

## 当[d与[n相邻时,团t/d可以选择失爆(非必须)

  1. bitten
  2. Hillary Clinton希拉里克林顿
  3. I wouldn’ t let him go.我不会让他走。
  4. Mary shouldn' t call him at work.玛丽不应该在工作时给他打电话