75 - 番外篇 找到自己的兴趣

Posted by 叉叉敌 on February 9, 2023

朋友,您好,由于最近比较惆怅,就多了这一次的番外篇 ~





我最近用 chatGPT 来回答这个问题,提供了许多的问题,找一个空闲、安静的时间,写出这些问题的答案,或许就可以找到自己的兴趣。

找到自己的兴趣的点,不是一蹴而就的,可能是 1 个月,可能是几年。要有这个心理准备,但是这个时间是非常值得投入。


  1. Explore your hobbies and pastimes: What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What activities bring you the most joy and fulfillment? Consider trying new hobbies and activities to see if they spark a new interest.

  2. Reflect on your values: What is important to you? What values do you hold dear? What do you believe in and want to stand for? Understanding your values can help you identify activities and causes that align with your beliefs.

  3. Think about your skills and strengths: What are you naturally good at? What tasks do you find effortless and enjoyable? Consider pursuing activities and careers that allow you to use and develop these skills.

  4. Take a personality test: There are many online personality tests that can help you understand your unique traits, values, and interests. Taking a test can provide you with a new perspective and insights into your personality and what might be the best fit for you.

  5. Try new things: Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Try new activities, attend events, and meet new people. You never know what you might discover about yourself and what you enjoy.

这篇如何找到自己的长处里面提到了,可以用:要发现自己的长处,唯一途径就是反馈分析法(feedback analysis)。

要找到兴趣和特长的工作或者是职业,完成这个过程大概需要 5 年左右的时间。看上去,这个时间不短。事实上,把五年放到你漫长的一生,只是一小段时间,而这段时间可以帮助你找到一生中最重要的东西,难道不值得一试?

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